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How to use Flickr to Drive Traffic to Website?

Images are one of those element of Blogging, if used wisely can be very useful. Specially, if you are one of those who creates own graphics, click pictures and use it on your blog, you can use it for traffic and also for Backlinks. Now, there is something which I have been doing from long time with images, screenshots which I take for my blog post and driving traffic. I’m going to share this dirty little trick which I have been using to drive traffic from Flickr.
Before I talk about Flickr for backlinks and driving traffic from Flickr, let me talk a bit about Images SEO. Images, not only helps your blog post look beautiful but it also helps in driving traffic from image search, if used wisely.

How to use Flickr for Traffic and Backlinks:

Let me start with Flickr traffic part first. We will be using Flickr desktop uploader to speed up the process or you can use their iPhone app or anything else to upload pictures on Flickr in bulk.
Flickr is a high PR site # 9. Getting a backlink from Flickr using your anchor text will be a great way to increase backlink. Though Flickr added a nofollow attribute to all of the external link recently, but you can use it to generate   lots of traffic from Flickr and for brand building.
If you have a watermarking tool on desktop, use it to add watermark all the images that you are planning to upload. Usually, I upload images which I own copyright for. Mostly, Images which I take when I travel or images from Bloggers meet or screenshot.
Now, open Flickr uploader and add your images with proper Title, Tags and description. Try to use proper tags on Flickr, as it will make your article more reachable and you will be getting targeted traffic from Flickr. Here is a screenshot of my uploader tool and notice every detail on description field:
This helps a lot in driving traffic in long term. Though, traffic from Flickr is not going to be as huge as sites like SU, Digg or even Pinterest in that matter. But, you are driving traffic by utilizing your current resource and within
Similarly, you can add your domain name.  minutes of work.
Now, I have been following this tip from last 2-3 years but I have not been so regular. Anyhow, this also helped a lot in getting genuine backlinks too. As people who often use my images from Flickr, they end up giving a backlink or I can simply use reverse image search to find any offender.
Well, this is one of the practice that you can integrate in Blogging habit and you can see how it helps in long run. If you find this post useful.
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Tien Pham

Hi! My name's Tien Pham, I was a young blogger. I love Internet Marketing and Social Networking. My desire to share and give people great products have helped me succeed and to help you get more success in life.

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